Well equipped E.N.T. OPD with
- OPD Microscope
- STORZ Camera
- Rigid & Flexible endoscopes
- Rhinomanometer
- Sleep Study facility for patients with Snoring & Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome
- Trained staff to assist in the OPD
- Systems followed to ensure safety, cleanliness and efficiency!
- Infrastructure suited to visits for the elderly also !
- Well equipped audiology centre

Well equipped EYE OPD with
- Autorefractoemter
- Slit lamp
- ‘A’ Scan Trained staff to assist in the OPD
- Infrastructure suited to make the visit comfortable for elderly patients !
- Separate waiting area for patients to wait after instilling drops till they are ready to be assessed !
- Systems followed to ensure safety, cleanliness and efficiency !

Dental Setup
Well equipped Dental Centre which in addition to routine dental equipment has
- Laser
- Microscope
- Being in a medical setup , adequate infrastructure and staff is available to manage emergencies and operating room facility for paediatric patients or in cases where general anesthesia is needed !
- Trained staff to complement the dental surgeons
- Infrastructure suited to make the visit comfortable for elderly patients !
- Systems followed to ensure safety, cleanliness and efficiency!

Audiology Department
Well equipped audiology department
- Pure tone
- Audiometer
- Impedence Audiometry
- OAE ( Otoacoustic Emission )
- Special Tests such as TIDI, SISI, Speech Discrimination test, Aided Audiometry etc
- Speech therapy , Voice therapy and help for professional voice users also available
- Well equipped setup for giving hearing aid trials with hearing aids from various multinational companies
- Infrastructure suited to make the visit comfortable for elderly patients !
- Team based approach with inputs from Trained Audiologist , Speech Therapist & ENT Surgeons.

Operating Room
Well equipped operating rooms for ENT and Ophthalmological surgeries with latest equipments such as
- ZEISS operating microscope
- Storz HD camera system
- Rigid & Flexible endoscopes
- Cobblator
- Debrider
- LED light source
- CO2 Laser
- GE anaesthesia Machine
- Defbrillator
- High power suction
- Surgical electroCautery
- ENT drill
There is also a team of dedicated and trained professionals.
There is also a pre procedure preparation and post procedure recovery room

Recovery Room
Comfortable rooms for patients with ensuite wash rooms.Lobby area outside rooms.Although it is a daycare centre where patients will require to stay in the room for a limited period of time , still facilities are provided to make that time comfortable.

Comfortable waiting area for patients with a friendly and dedicated staff !Parking Facility Available!
Additional separate waiting areas for eye patients and for ENT and Audiology and Dental Areas , where patients can wait in between treatments also


Luxury Room